HOW TO MAKE MONEY? With 2020 Blogging


How to Make Money’ is the question you might have searched on search engine at some point in your life, if you did not then its okay because you are going to get some great suggestions and ideas to make money online on your blog. Making money on blog can’t be achieved with tricks or shortcuts; you need to understand simple procedure and concept of blogging and monetization on blog.

In this post you are going to know that how to make money from your blog. You are going to see and learn blog writing and blogging startup concepts along with blog monetization as well to know completely about earning online income. You might think that I am going to give you some shortcuts and money making formulas to apply and rain of dollars will start for you! Its not going to happen, you need to understand the concept first then you will come to know that struggle and hard work will be the main keys to get success in blogging.

So that’s clear now that I am going to share money making blogging with all of you now. When I started this post I was thinking that it will be the biggest post of this blog and It might cross 2000 words in explaining the whole thing.

No Worries!

I will keep it short and simple for you. You might get thousand of ideas to make money in the world and couple of hundreds to make money online but I guess blogging is one of the best and outstanding ways to make money online.


I can guide you about blogging, so that you can enter into this arena and check out what you can do and make some difference in your life. Obviously, Its not going to be an easy task for you to just start blogging, writing content for your blog and giving your precious time to blogging without looking any income stream.

You want to earn money and blogging is the best way that I can suggest. How blogging works? That might be your next question, So I am going to tell you, actually in blogging, you have to pick your topic according to your interest that you know well and it should be simple and clear so that people also know about it and want to know it, discuss it and like to search on internet.

Don’t go so technical in choosing your blog’s topic, like if you are business student and you start blogging on ROI (Return Over Investment), that might be too practical and technical thing to discuss, I promise many small businesses and home business owners never heard about ROI, still there is a possibility that most of those businesses try to calculate their profits and investments, so technically they did it simply, without knowing the definition of ROI, so if you start your blog on ‘Small Business Help’ with the focus in the mind to help house wives in Los Angeles in starting their small businesses. You might include small business tips, business starting guidelines, new small business ideas, things to remember, different updates about market, issues and solutions in Small Businesses, Small Businesses promotions and Small Businesses advertising, financial issues and solutions, and hence each and every factor in a simple and creative style to provide many answers to the people who are looking for those answers on the search engines.

This was just one part of blogging in which you decide what type of blog you want to start, what your topic should be. Make sure you choose topic of your interest. In technical blogging language, we call Category of blog as Niche. So you must know what type of niche you want choose to start your blog. If you love cars more than anything in life, then you can consider Cars niche, if you like sports and any particular sport is your life, like soccer, and then you can consider soccer updates blog or how to guide blog about Soccer sport.

The most important part, you might be looking to know. Here we go; obviously you will struggle with your blogging to make money, so there are many ways to earn money on blog. But every step you might be looking to choose or want to know to make money would start once you get professional in blogging, firstly you have to learn blogging, you must know what is the purpose of a blog, how to write blog, how to attract people to your blog, what are the monetization methods on a blog? So knowing all these factors would help you.

In the start of your blog, when you are new to blogging, at this stage, you have to focus a lot on making great content on your blog, you must know how to make unique and creative content that people love to read, your niche selection will play a vital role in your blog’s success.

In the start you should know that you can earn money by ppc ads and affiliate marketing. PPC stands for pay per click and this type of advertising works simply, you get paid according to the clicks on your ad. You obviously get paid on unique and genuine clicks. Google Adsense is the biggest name in PPC advertising. There are few more types of ads like CPM, CPA etc, but at this stage you should stick with the PPC.

Second method which you should know about monetization on your blog would be Affiliate Marketing. You must know about both monetization methods before starting your blog. In Affiliate Marketing you get paid commission on the sales you deliver to the companies you are working with. Different types of commission percentages are given by different suppliers and sellers.

For example, if you are crazy about headphones and you always love headphones, you have a variety of headphones at home and you think to start a blog but unable to find any topic and niche to start a blog. You can start a blog on headphones where you can talk about headphones, headphone usage, headphones benefits, models, prices, disadvantages, colors of headphones, details and manufacturing, each and every factor you know about headphones and their manufactures. Make sure you are writing your own blog, as your content should be unique and useful for the readers. So once your headphones guide blog starts, you can find out different headphone manufacturers worldwide and check their websites, join their affiliate programs to earn commission from them on sales. If you don’t find any headphone seller or manufacturer directly, then you can join any big retail store’s affiliate program and make sure that it is selling headphones.

Some people don’t get into blogging because they don’t know which platform to choose, they even don’t try to know about it. Its simple and you should not ignore blogging because you don’t know about blogging platforms and you have no idea about choosing Blogger, WordPress, Drupal or Joomla to start your blog.
Its simple, you should not get into this, just consult your web hosting company, you need to buy a top web hosting to make your blogging startup successful. Finding a best web hosting is not tough, just you need to search on the Google about top web hosting companies.

See Our Recommendation on Best Web Hosting Companies – Hostgator and Bluehost

When you have purchased your web hosting account and domain, you can see tutorials on auto-installing WordPress on the Youtube and Google, if you still unable to install your blog, you can consult your web hosting company to install your blog for you, they will do in 5 minutes.

You Must Know about Premium Theme Importance, Read this: Why Premium Themes Matter on Your WordPress Blog?

I love blogging, I like to write and I know it little bit. So I say blogging is the best way to make money. I would like you to know six different benefits that might make your mind clear about why I say blogging is the best way to make money:


You can work from home and even from your room on your blog. If you are travelling, no problem, you can work on your laptop to stay in touch with your blog. Obviously you need wifi internet connectivity to get online.

You can be your own boss. Get rid of the job. I know mostly people hate their jobs and few of them dream to start their own business. Its your chance now, I have shown you a great way to jump and run.

You can pick topic of your own choice and interest to launch your blog. No need to go for rules and regulations that you learned at high school.

If you ever dreamt of becoming an entrepreneur or you want to start your own business, here is your chance, you can turn to a blogger and make it successful after learning how to blog well.

You can go to vacations whenever you want. No need to give application to your office or ask your employer to leave office for vacations.

Earn income as much as you can. The most important and coolest benefit of blogging is that there is no limit to earn money in blogging. If you get the idea of blogging that how blogging works, and you are struggling, hard working and passionate person then you can earn a lot of money in blogging.

Making money has many answers. I am a blogger and I don’t like to think about other ways. If you don’t have a big investment to do or you don’t want to leave your job at once and looking to start a small business to make your primary earning source and leave job one day, then blogging is the best way to make money and if you want to make money online, then you should jump into blogging field and start scratching it to know more and more about blogging.

I suggest you all to read this post at the end: What is Affiliate Marketing?

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