Blogging is a complete philosophy and it requires proper understanding of it before claiming some success. Bloggers adopt different strategies to make their blogs successful. A successful blog does not mean that it is getting bundle of visitors every day. 

If visitors are not being converted into sales then there is a problem in the blog’s strategy. Obviously if you are using PPC advertisement then you might have a different approach but every blogger does not use ppc ads. I will explain about ppc ads like Google Adsense and blog’s management in another post.
You might have heard about conversion in blogging. Actually conversion means what is the ratio of visitors which are buying products you are endorsing through your affiliate programs. Pro bloggers emphasize a lot on increasing the conversion. Blog’s important factors are niche and affiliate marketing.
Read More about Affiliate MarketingWhat is Affiliate Marketing?
In this article, I am going to discuss the most important five things you should know to make your blog successful, before that you must know about few more things which are quite important and can help you in developing your blogging strategy.

Your Blog’s Niche
How to monetize policy
Affiliate Marketing
 Theme Selection
Domain and Web Hosting
Content Development
The purpose of placing Blog’s Niche on the top is, it is one of the most important things in blogging. Once you know what is Niche and how to select your blog’s niche.

 Let’s say you know about blogging little bit and you are set to go to launch your blog and you are thinking to launch your blog, you might go to start a blog on News and Current affairs, Music and Films (Entertainment) or Sports. This is what an average starter thinks while starting his first blog.

If you ask me to start a blog, I would guide you about Affiliate Marketing. I would take to the side where you choose a product to work on. I would guide you that how you can choose any static product that will remain the same forever and ever and people will keep on looking for that product until the planet earth comes to an end.
I would recommend Affiliate Marketing for your blog monetization rather than going for ppc ads in the start. Focus on getting targeted traffic on your blog. If you find this post or any other post of my blog regarding Affiliate Marketing, 

then you will definitely understand the Affiliate Marketing concept and it would give you a lot of benefit for your blogging strategy. Now I am mentioning five things that play a vital role in any blog’s success and you should understand all these things before launching your blog.

Niche selection is the basic concept-understanding and jumping in process in blogging. Niche is the category of your blog’s type which you choose to work on. Niche Selection plays a vital role in blog’s success.
If you know motorbikes well and you love bikes and you know a lot about bikes more than an average bike user or fan. So you must choose Bikes Niche to launch your blog. It would help you in Affiliate Marketing as well. You will be thinking that ‘What I will write about bikes?’
Its okay, every starter thinks the same!
Let me explain you! If you are bikes crazy and fanatic bike rider then you must have some kind of specific information and passion about bikes and their parts for sure, you should launch your blog about bikes where you post a lot of material about bikes, buying and selling tips of bikes, maintenance guides 
for bikes, Bikes spare parts guides, spare parts prices and qualities, bike parts manufacturers details, and other bike riding and maintenance guides about biking and you should find out bike spare parts retailers to join their affiliate programs to monetize your blog and if you don’t find such companies, simple search out through affiliate networks like Cj.com.

Web Hosting is the second most important thing in my list of the things that matter a lot in a blog’s success. If you did not know about website hosting quality and its impact on the blog’s success then you must see few of the articles of bloggingmatters on website hosting:
How Best Hosting Server works for Affiliate Marketing Blog?
Why Best Email Web Hosting Works?
How Top Web Hosting Companies help Bloggers?
Top bloggers always prefer high quality and best web hosting company to launch their WordPress blogs. Top Web hosting companies must be selected to launch the blogs due to high quality servers and performing qualities of the web hosting. Finding a top web hosting would work positively for your blog as it helps in the blog’s SEO.

Premium Theme is one of the most important requirements of a successful blog. Whatever platform you use to launch your blog like WordPress or Joomla, make sure that you buy premium theme for your blog. Mostly people prefer WordPress, so never use free theme for your blog. 

Free themes contain link injections and hidden unnecessary links of the developers which make hidden problems for your blog. A Premium WordPress Theme must be preferred in a blog launching. Top web hosting company’s hosting account and Premium WordPress Theme is the perfect combination to launch your blog.

After niche and topic selection, buying web hosting and Premium WordPress Theme, the next important thing you should work on will be the content policy. You must know what type of contest you need to make for your blog.

 If you know well about content development, you will keep on moving ahead with your great content. If you have no idea about content development, take a breath, there is no problem in it, it’s a simple process to know. All you have to do is, find out what is the requirement of your target market. 

What your readers and visitors want from you? How your blog can deliver sales through your affiliate program? If you are selling Motor bikes spare parts then you should obviously need to post content about bikes and spares parts of bikes, and if you post about cars and bicycles on your motor bikes blog, then it won’t make any difference. So be careful, to post content according to your niche and affiliate program.

If you know your target market then it’s a big plus for you. A new blogger must know what is his target market? If you are launching an affiliate marketing blog, you obviously need people to come to your blog and buy things you are offering through your affiliate program. Why don’t you make content that people love to read and why don’t you tell things people like to know?
Its simple and its coolest thing, all you need is to find out what your interest is, after analyzing that, plan is that going to work, think about it that are there people out there who are looking to buy those services/products you are interested in offering on your blog and writing about it?
For example, if you are PC expert and you think that everyday people buy thousands of premium Anti-virus softwares, so come up with the idea by targeting people who want to buy cheap and

 best anti-virus softwares for Windows and you launch your Anti-virus buying guide blog by targeting the customers who are looking to buy the best and cheap anti-virus. Now you can join an affiliate program of any well-known anti-virus software company like Kaspersky, Avira or AVG etc, to monetize your Anti-virus buying guide blog.
How is it? Tell me in comments section! Go ahead to launch your affiliate marketing blog.

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