The most important factor that is going to determine your blog’s success is the content you write for a particular type of audience. 

For example, your audience can be men and women, college students, young professionals, housewives or even school going children. Their demographics depends upon the which part of the world they come from. 

If you are able to understand certain behavior of your blog’s visitors then you can perhaps write something that addresses directly to them. Therefore, a free tool like Google Analytics allows you daily to study and examine every single visitor of your blog or website. 

Here are the diverse elements of Google Analytics that you have to consider.google-analytics

1. Visits – Firstly note down the number of visitors coming to your blog daily, weekly and monthly. Also observe the time they are spending on your blog.

2. Absolute unique visitors and Returning visitors – As your blog traffic increases you have to analyze every unique visitors (new visitors) by their gender, age and even race.

 Because in future you have to write according to them. Then you have to take feedback from the returning visitors and ask them what you can improve to suit their demand.

3. Languages – In the map overlay of Google analytics you will get the idea about the visitors coming from different parts of the world. They can be from English speaking countries, Latin America, Europe and even from the parts of Asia. 

You will be able to comprehend exactly the culture and language of your visitors. Hence later in your writings you can write that relates directly to the country’s culture from where most visitors are coming.

4. Browsers – Next very important factor is the web browsers used by them. You can optimize your HTML code according to browser used by maximum number of visitors. If Firefox or Chrome is their favorite browser then adjust your coding according to them. 

Google analytics will also tell the parameters like Operating system, screen color and resolution and flash versions used by visitor’s computer. This may help you to set the dynamic content like videos, images and graphics of the website or blog.

5. Traffic Source – This is going to distinguish the exact source of incoming visitors. There can be following three sources

- Search Engines: When visitors are coming from Google or Yahoo then surely they are typing some keywords to search your blog. Hence optimize your blog post for top keywords to rank high in the Google search.

- Direct Traffic: Direct traffic means visitors have bookmarked your blog in their web browser or they type the URL link directly in address bar. This will happen once your blog becomes popular among the readers.

- Referrals: Sometimes your visitors may be referred from popular websites like FaceBook, Twitter or YouTube. So use FaceBook and other social networking sites to increase your traffic by sending friends to your blog.

Try to realize the importance of all these factors, implementing them is going to increase your blog or website traffic substantially. Go Here!

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