IBlog post style, post content, URL and title of the post play dynamic role in the blog’s success. Adopting possible and acceptable changes in the writing and displaying content strategies are the part of SEO. SEO can’t be circled to few things like keywords, content, images, page titles, Meta description and Meta keywords. Search Engine Optimization revamps the whole backend appearance of the website or blog for search engines to freely accept the website and blog’s content and purpose of website or blog.

Different bloggers have different styles to write their content. The purpose is same!

Purpose encircles the delivery of information and usefulness of the knowledge to the readers and visitors. Readers are those visitors who follow your blog and visit regularly to read your content whereas visitor is a new comer on your blog which can only be turned to reader if he gets impressed with your blog.

Right and purposeful content to quality website hosting in term of blog’s speed, keywords to usefulness of the content, many things come into the SEO of a blog. A blogger should have some kind of concept of SEO and most importantly the plan to give much more benefit to the readers.

I added ‘standardized’ word before ‘long blog post title’ so that it helps me in clarifying what I want to say. Blog post titles are very important in the blogging and later on in the SEO of your blog. Professional bloggers take care while making their titles of the blog posts. Right titles mean that you have done first step correctly and now it will be your content which impresses the reader or not.

So the question comes to my mind and I am sure you will also be thinking the same:

How to make correct and absolute title of your blog post?

A blogger must know how to make a perfect blog post title. If you are not clear about it, it is okay, you will be, when you enter into this field and keep on searching and learning new things in blogging because learning never stops in blogging.

The perfect title of a blog post should be the one which clearly tells about the purpose of the post and article. It should depict what author wants to say to the reader. The meaning, words, length, voice and clarity of the message play a vital role in making a blog post title.

A professional blogger keeps a ratio of using some solid and exact keywords of the blog post and blog into the title of the post but in natural way, it should not be like it clearly tells that you are targeting keywords only. Always give priority on the usefulness of the content and win the hearts of the readers because readers have hearts not search engines. Well, its little dramatic line, though, but its true.


My blogging sense says that a blogger’s priority should be few key things in order to make his blog successful:

-          Blogging philosophy [I describe blogging philosophy as what a blogger wants to write, deliver and tell to the readers. What areas and topics he wants to cover. Blogging philosophy is actually identification of your talent and direction setting of your blog in term of present and future content strategy. From name, niche of blog, domain name to content and monetization, everything which a blogger plans to take his blog forward, I take it as blogging philosophy]

-          Best Quality Web Host [A blogger must choose high quality website hosting company for his blog to ensure the best blogging startup in term of quality hosting]

-          Useful and high quality content generation on your blog.

-          Social Media and readers engagement.

These four points are small to write and say but these are the chapters and whole series of articles can be written on these four points if actually I tell you the importance of understanding of these four points.

Coming back to the point, as I said earlier long blog post title does not mean that you make 2 or 3 lines title of your blog post. Search engines and readers both will never like your long tail blog post titles. Experienced web developers and blogging experts say that keep your blog post URL reasonably long not too long which becomes annoying for the search engine and reader. Actually, I explain it in more details, what happens in this matter is, obviously reader and visitor on the blog does not read URL of the blog post and you will be thinking why we should keep our URL reasonably long and not too long. What happens here is, when you make a very long tail URL of your blog post, you make more and more things in your blog post title and URL and may be; you miss the actual and authentic point of your blog post to deliver.

Search engine identifies your blog post with some specific keywords and the message which comes in the blog post title, URL and the content. The best SEO practice would be that make your blog post title reasonably long, concise and clear and perfect to deliver the meaning of your blog post content.

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Ideal blog post titles are necessary for the SEO of your blog. Keeping in mind such simple tactics would help you in the development of your blog’s authority with the passage of time if you are struggling hard to make great content on your blog.

Without good and accurate titles on your blog, you can’t make your blog successful even if you know how to write quality and useful content on your blog. SEO is a combination of many small tactics on the content and different parts of the blog/website. Good and relevant blog post titles where help readers to jump onto your blog post, also tells search engines about the hint of your content and blog type.

Blog post titles are definitely important as far as your purpose of delivering a message is concerned. People see and read the titles and then they click on it to open the post. A great and well written post would be nothing if title is badly written or written in non-relevant context. For example a blogger writes a good and useful blog post on Top 5 Best Web hosting Companies of the World, and he writes reviews on top 5 Web hosting companies in that article but he gives the title ‘Companies I like’ then it will make no difference. He will waste his whole hard work he did on writing comparison and specification of web hosting companies in that post. So titles are necessary to be analyzed.

A blog post title which you make little long in size as I explained keeping it in standardized long size should also be attractive in appearance. You should not only focus on making it long. Long blog post does not mean actually it should be long; it means it delivers a message and sometimes it becomes a line rather than 5 or 6 words heading.

Think about the ideas which should bring your required keywords that are related to your message in the post and describe exactly what your post is about, after that, you must suggest lines which attract readers when they see the title of your articles. Titles like ‘5 Tips to choose Blog’s name and Logo for New Bloggers’ and ‘Top 10 things you should not do on your blog’ are the examples of this type of titles.

The blog post title must contain a message to give. It should clearly tell that what blogger or author of article wants to say in this article. Well written blog post title attracts visitors and readers to open it up and see what is in it. A reader opens the article and sees first 5 lines and some headings inside the article, if he gets attract with title, first 5 lines of the content, headings and infographic used in the article, then he starts reading the article normally.

Selecting and making a great post title is a complete technique. A blogger has to make it creative, simple, message delivering and nice in appearance so that readers get attract when they see the title of your blog post.

When we discuss blog post titles then it is necessary to make sure that we also know about optimizing the blog post titles. Optimizing blog post titles does not mean something much more different from the previous point. Make sure that you use the most common words to explain your point of view in the blog post titles. Commons words and sentences are most likely to be used by larger number of people around the world.

Lets take an example, if you are analyzing some keywords related to Apple and its benefits, then article title should be like ‘Top 10 Health benefits of eating Apple daily’ rather than ‘How Apple is beneficial for me if I eat daily?

See the difference, in the first title, you will be delivering a good looking message with some solid SEO related keywords regarding your article topic which is Apple and its benefits, and keywords like Top 10, Health Benefits, eating Apple daily, make a clear difference here. The whole title consists of the some kind of related and simple keywords. It makes your title more optimized for your article.

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